Training and Conferences

Lawyers at our firm regularly offer training on a wide range of subjects related to labour law.


Here are a just a few examples of training sessions and conferences given by members of our team. We can also develop training to best meet your organization’s specific needs.


Managing absenteeism at work

Information to provide the employer in cases of sick leave

Duty to accommodate

The disabled employee’s rights

Accommodating the victim of a workplace accident: jurisdiction and rights

Workplace drug and alcohol testing policies

Last chance agreements

When the duty to accommodate affects colleagues: coworkers’ rights and obligations

Developing a policy on accommodation

Unions’ obligations in accommodation

Duty to accommodate and implementation of the workers’ compensation system

Duty to accommodate parental rights

Duty to accommodate religious freedom

Duty to accommodate pregnant employees


Preparation of the case in arbitration

Disclosure of evidence

Subpoenas to testify and to produce documents

Grievance arbitration hearings

Claims for damages in arbitration

Employer grievance

Medical arbitration

Dispute arbitration

Insurance and benefits

General principles of compensation and disability claims

Disability claims in a self-insured plan

Group benefits: jurisdiction and possible remedy in arbitration

Parental insurance in Quebec

Workplace group insurance and the call for bids

Implementation of the group insurance contract

Complementary group benefit plans in the construction industry

Maintaining benefits for employees on disability leave

Employment insurance

Rules related to taxation and employment insurance when negotiating an employment termination agreement

Rules related to loss of employment due to misconduct

Canada Labour Code

General presentation of the Canada Labour Code

Duty of fair representation and the Canada Labour Code

Labour Code (Quebec)

Anti-strikebreaking sections of the Labour Code

Section 39 of the Labour Code

Section 45 of the Labour Code


The union’s role and obligations in cases of dismissal

Dismissal of employees during probation period

Termination: How to avoid legal pitfalls

Breaching the “relationship of trust”

Collective agreement

Past practice and the collective agreement

Interpretation rules for the collective agreement

Normal requirements for the position

Duty to act faithfully and honestly

Employees’ duty to act faithfully and honestly

Duty to act faithfully and honestly and union representative immunity

Duty of fair representation

Union’s duty of fair representation

Duty of fair representation and the Canada Labour Code

Pay equity

Pay equity in 10 steps

Pay equity: a post-mortem

Medical exams

When can an employer require a medical exam

What medical information can an employer request

What information should be included in a doctor’s note or medical certificate

Protecting an employee’s privacy: the doctor’s note and choice of doctor

Bankruptcy and insolvency

Claims in the context of a company’s bankruptcy

Labour relations and recourse in situations of bankruptcy and insolvency

Impacts of the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act on collective agreements

Psychological harassment

Psychological harassment in the workplace

Psychological harassment: current state of affairs and case law

Psychological harassment: the union’s role

Better comprehend, prevent and deal with situations of psychological harassment

Psychological harassment: a case for all tribunals?


Managing disability cases

Disability insurance claims

Union’s role in cases of disability related to the workplace

Maintaining benefits for employees on disability

Workplace injuries

How to prepare a case to be heard by the Administrative Labour Tribunal

Accommodating the victim of a workplace accident: jurisdiction and rights

Psychological Harassment: a case for all tribunals?

Federal employees and the Act respecting Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases

Freedom of association

Agricultural workers and unionization

Summary and analysis of the Mounted Police Association of Ontario case

Commentary on the Meredith case

Constitutional protection of the right to strike: the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour case

Disciplinary and non-disciplinary action

Suspensions during employment

Employee misconduct outside of the workplace and work hours and disciplinary and administrative action by the employer

Disciplinary and non-disciplinary action and a professional’s disagreement with an immediate supervisor

Disciplinary action against union representatives

Important principles in disciplinary sanctions

Disciplinary action against threats and violence

When does discipline violate a worker’s rights?

Theft of time

Collective bargaining

Negotiation in labour relations: theory

Negotiation: preparing and evaluating the results

Collective bargaining federally

Labour standards

The Supreme Court and section 124 of the Act respecting Labour Standards (SFPQ case)

Notice of mass or individual layoffs

The Act respecting Labour Standards: where are we now?

Evidence and procedure

How to react to the violation of a principle of natural justice during proceedings

Preparation, examination and cross-examination of witnesses

Witness credibility

The new Code of Civil Procedure

Judicial review

Judicial review and labour law: practical and procedural aspects

Judicial review of a constitutional challenge: a framework

Administrative tribunals

Presentation of the Act to group the Commission de l’équité salariale the Commission des normes du travail and the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail and to establish the Administrative Labour Tribunal

Intervention of administrative tribunals before higher courts


Privacy and labour law: where are we now?

Employer surveillance and use of the Internet at work

Social media and privacy in labour relations

Telecommuting and privacy